Hitler’s symbol or Carousel affection


After 70 years, know this sign better


How do you know this sign?

We must admit that today this signs that known as the “swastika” is the symbol for Racists. Even these days it has become a symbol for Satanist. But it seems these impressions are wrong.

In book “Ancestry and religions of ancient Iranians”*  writer says:

The signs that is called swastika, in fact is not a broken cross and in the Christianity it is not regarded to respect. Cross dimensions are also not the same and only two lines are equal and most looks like a human body, where opens hands.

Sometimes this sign due to Hitler’s Nazi Party used and it was on the arms of party’s members and SS soldiers, because the Nazis had begun a hard and irreconcilable battle with Jews, it has been called anti-Semitic. It must be understood that this naming is not correct too and it is a misplaced phrase. Being anti-Semitic for this symbol was began that the overall recognition about this symbol with the fame of contention and fight with Jews was provided together. And thus the minds of people made and interpreted this name.


This sign is also known as Aryan symbol. However, in many civilizations such this indication has been found. Although it has thousands of years history in Iran and India, but this sign is seen all over the world including Africa, Asia (both East Asia and West Asia) and Europe. Even, other symbol that they are similar to this sign in areas of Iran and India found that had more past.

Nazis, during they were powerful, prejudice and racial superiority regarded philosophy. Their advertising and training dedicated to this work and they gave symbolic value of their being Aryans to this sign. But it does not seem that the approach to this sign in very ancient time has appropriateness with the Nazis approach!

Herzfeld had effects to finding and nomenclature of the sign. Although this sign is discussed with a name like “Swastika”, “cross” and etc. Some one knows this sign a symbol of happiness and good fortune and others have called it a symbol of the four elements. Associated this sign with Mithra religion is one of other cases that is expressed.

But it seems that these signs should be limited to a nation or a faith and religion; because its effects are seen in all civilizations. The challenge that arises is that this sign almost simultaneously is seen in different parts of world. Especially when we know it was ancient world. And the question is: how???? These cases have caused some people to know it related with extraterrestrial beings.

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